Pleasant Hill CA eye test
Many people have vision problems, and need to wear prescription lenses to see every day. For people who are unable to see clearly without prescription lenses, eye exams are still recommended. The quality of your eyesight can always change, and even if you already have a vision impairment your needs may change gradually over time. Additionally, if you are looking to get a contact lens prescription versus an eyeglass prescription, you need two different tests. We can provide you with both exams here at Shigio Optometric Group so that no matter what you are looking for, you can get the
Pleasant Hill CA eye test that you need.
Many people choose either glasses or contacts, and sometimes a combination of both depending on the occasion, to see clearly and comfortably every day. However, if you are looking to get contact lenses for the first time, you will still need a separate exam as well as a separate prescription. Though glasses and contacts work in similar ways to improve eyesight, they do require different prescription strengths. Eyeglasses rest some distance from the eyes, but contact lenses are placed directly over your corneas. Because of the distance and because of the shape of the eye, contact lenses require a different kind of prescription and different measurements need to be taken. It's also important that your eye doctor determine whether you can wear contacts as well. Here at Shigio Optometric Group you can determine all your vision needs with the help of a comprehensive Pleasant Hill CA eye test that can determine your eyeglass or contact lens prescription.
Once your prescription has been figured out, we can show you which frames we have in stock as well as what types of contact lenses we carry. We can help you make an informed decision regarding which ones you would like to bring home with you. If you are overdue for an eye exam or if you are interested in getting contacts or eyeglasses, feel free to visit us here at Shigio Optometric Group for the
Pleasant Hill CA eye test that you'll need.
By Shigio Optometric Group
May 15, 2017
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